WERS Information
WERS Certified Products Directory – AFRC
1.Uw is the whole window U-value
2.SHGCw is the whole window solar heat gain coefficient
3.Tvw is the whole window visible (light) transmittance
4.Percentage improvement figures are compared with using base-case Generic Window 1 (3mm clear in standard aluminium frame)
5.A negative percentage improvement figure indicates performance worse than the base-case window
6.A positive percentage improvement figure indicates performance better than the base-case window
7.Maximum air infiltration is 5.0L/s.m2 at a positive pressure difference of 75 Pa as measured according to AS 2047
8.Static performance (Uw SHGCw Tvw Tdw) calculated using Window 6.3 and Therm 6.3 software (LBNL), 1999-2010
9.Annual energy performance (stars and % improvements) calculated using Nationwide House Energy Rating Software (AccuRate) according to procedures of WERS 2008.
10.Results disclosed at Australian Fenestration Rating Council (AFRC) regulations.
Follow the link to all Capral Products: https://awawers.net/res/reslist/CAPRALLTD
Note: Only applicable for Urban 580, 584, 582 range
Follow the link to all Alspec Products: https://awawers.net/res/reslist/ALSPEC
Note: Only applicable for the French and Bifold Carinya Range