Routine Maintenance for Windows and Doors

It is important to ensure that you routinely maintain your windows and doors so enable longevity. To assist you in looking after your products, you may download a document below with a few simple guidelines. In summary, the most important things to know are as per below list:

  • Clean the outside surface of windows and doors with clean water and mild detergent once every three months (once a month in coastal areas)
  • Use soft cloths, do not scrub or scrape!
  • Remove dust and dirt regularly
  • Clean and maintain all moving parts, even stainless steel with light anti-corrosion spray
  • Adjust your rollers periodically to avoid scraping of the metal
  • Keep your glass clean with water and mild detergent
  • Vacuum your fly screens 3-4 time per year

Care and cleaning instructions for Smart Glass: click here.